.. _esummary: Esummary ======== :class:`entrezpy.esummary.esummarizer.Esummarizer` implements the E-Utility `ESummary` [0]_. `Esummarizer` fetches document summaries for UIDs in the requested database. Summaries can contain abstracts, experimental details, etc Usage ----- .. code:: import entrezpy.esummary.esummarizer e = entrezpy.esummary.esummarizer.Esummarizer(tool, email, apikey=None, apikey_var=None, threads=None, qid=None) analyzer = e.inquire('db' : 'pubmed', 'id' : [11850928, 11482001]) print(analyzer.get_result().summaries) ``Esummarizer`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :class:`entrezpy.esummary.esummarizer.Esummarizer` :param str tool: string with no internal spaces uniquely identifying the software producing the request, i.e. your tool/pipeline. :param str email: a complete and valid e-mail address of the software developer and not that of a third-party end user. ``entrezpy`` is a library, not a tool. :param str apikey: :ref:`ncbi-apikey` :param str apikey_var: :ref:`ncbi-apikey` :param int threads: number of threads :param str qid: Unique Esummary query id. Will be generated if not given. Supported E-Utility parameter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parameters are passed as dictionary to :meth:`entrezpy.esummary.esummarizer.Esummarizer.inquire` and are expected to be the same as those for the E-Utility [0]. For example: ``{{'db' : 'pubmed','id' : [11237011,12466850]}`` ============= ============== ===================================== Parameter Type ============= ============== ===================================== **E-Utility** .. ``db`` ``str`` .. ``id`` ``list`` .. ``WebEnv`` ``string`` .. ``retstart`` ``int`` .. ``retmax`` ``int`` .. ``retmode`` JSON, enforced by ``entrezpy`` ============= ============== ===================================== Not supported E-Utility parameter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============= ============== ===================================== Parameter Type ============= ============== ===================================== **E-Utility** .. ``retmode`` JSON, enforced by ``entrezpy`` .. ``version`` XML specific parameter ============= ============== ===================================== Result ------ Instance of :class:`entrezpy.esummary.esummary_result.EsummaryResult`. If ``retmax`` = 0 or ``retmode`` = ``count`` no :term:`UIDs` are returned. If ``usehistory`` is ``True`` (default), :term:`WebEnv` and :term:`query_key` for the request is returned. - :attr:`count` : number of found :term:`UIDs` for request - :attr:`retmax` : number of :term:`UIDs` to retrieve - :attr:`retstart` : number of first :term:`UID` to retrieve - :attr:`uids` : list of fetched :term:`UIDs` Approach -------- #. Parameters are checked and the request size is configured #. UIDs are posted to NCBI #. If no errors were encountered, returns the analyzer with the result storing the WebEnv and query_key for the UIDs. References ---------- .. [0] https://dataguide.nlm.nih.gov/eutilities/utilities.html#esummary