Glossary ======== .. glossary:: NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information, E-Utilities E-Utility Collection of :term:`NCBI` tools handling queries to :term:`Entrez` Entrez :term:`NCBI` database servers storing biomedical data and literature UID UIDs Document identifier unique within one :term:`Entrez` database source database The database from which UIDs are linkd from target database The database from which UIDs are linked WebEnv String referencing a E-Utility query querykey query_key Number referencing a specific request for a :term:`WebEnv` Entrezpy query Entrezpy querys entrezpy query entrezpy querys A query to onn E-Utility function in entrezpy is considered one query, which can have several :term:`entrezpy requests`. Entrezpy request Entrezpy requests entrezpy request entrezpy requests One request as part of an :term:`entrezpy query`.